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This page relates to Learning charities – for state schools, please see the State Schools & SEND page.

Since its formation in 2001, The Foyle Foundation has cumulatively awarded (to December 2023) £50.3M to Learning charities across the U.K. including that meet its criteria for support; this includes but is not restricted to Museums, Archives and Special Educational Needs organisations.  In 2024, the Foundation plans to award £4M to Learning charities.

Under our Main Grants Scheme we consider applications from charities with a core remit of Learning to support projects which facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and learning and which have a long-term strategic impact.

We can also consider applications from Learning charities under our Small Grants Scheme (grants between £2K and £10K) if the charity has a turnover of less than £150K per annum.  Generally, smaller Learning charities will be better suited to applying under the Small Grants Scheme.

We can consider applications towards core costs, projects, environmental efficiency, equipment and capital via both the Main Grants and Small Grants Schemes.  Please refer to the Main Grants Scheme and Small Grants Scheme guidelines for more detail on our funding priorities and exclusions.