The deadline to submit final applications under the Small Grants Scheme is FRIDAY 31 JANUARY AT 11.59PM.
The deadline to submit final applications under the Small Grants Scheme is FRIDAY 31 JANUARY AT 11.59PM.
General information on how to apply, including details on creating/accessing an account, and online application forms information can be found in the general How to Apply page.
Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions where you can find further detail and guidance on eligibility and making an application (including technical questions about your online account/application form).
Our Small Grants Scheme closes on 31 JANUARY 2025. You can apply at anytime up to this date.
All projects/activities need to be completed by the end of 2025 to be eligible for consideration.
Please note that competition is intense; we are receiving an unprecedented number of applications, many more than we are able to fund.
Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for further information on the gradual planned closure of all grant schemes.
Our Small Grants Scheme is designed to support charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities.
Applications can be accepted from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000. Larger or national charities will normally not be considered under this scheme.
Generally, the applying charity should be requesting funds for themselves rather than fundraising on behalf of another organisation. The applying charity must take full responsibility for any grant made, and funding for projects/activities/services must be managed/delivered/provided by the applying charity. We will support projects/initiatives where applicants work in partnership on joint projects with other similar organisations. In these cases, a lead charity must be identified and they must be actively involved with the project – they will be the applying charity and any grant would be made to them.
The Foundation is unlikely to support charities that have built up considerable unrestricted reserves.
We are unlikely to support newly set up charities without a track record.
We are unlikely to consider applications from grant making charities.
School PTAs/friend groups/school fundraising arms are not eligible to apply.
Please note we are not able to support individuals.
We make single grants only (no multi-year grants) towards core costs (including supporting salaries), projects, essential equipment or building projects.
Our priority will be to support local charities still active in their communities which are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community.
If applying for funding towards a capital project please apply towards the end of your fundraising campaign, when the majority of funding has been raised and you have an estimated start date for the works. If your application is successful, the pledged grant offer is only valid for 12 months. Please note that the Foundation does not fund feasibility studies.
Applicants must show how any grant will make a significant difference to their current work.
Charities must demonstrate ongoing financial viability over the next 12 months. If you cannot demonstrate this, your application is likely to be declined.
If a grant is awarded it can only be used for expenditure/activities/purchases after the grant is approved. The Foundation does not support retrospective funding.
The Foundation is unlikely to consider a request for building related costs if your lease is for less than 10 years.
The Foyle Foundation does not fund religious activity or activities promoting religion. If applying from a religious organisation and/or place of worship we will expect to see a clear division in both your accounts and application between your religious and wider community activity.
Charities can apply for between £2,000 and £10,000. Please note that if successful, the Trustees may award less than the amount requested.
Scheme Closure Date
Our Small Grants Scheme remains open for applications from charities until 31 January 2025.
All projects/activities need to be completed by the end of 2025 to be eligible for consideration.
Otherwise, it remains a rolling process, and online applications can continue to be submitted at any time, until 31 January 2025.
Decision Timeframes
Once received, it will take up to four months, occasionally longer, to receive a decision from Trustees.
If a previous application was declined, the charity is eligible to reapply 12 months after the previous request date. Please also note scheme closure date above.
If a previous application was approved, the charity is eligible to reapply to the Foundation from 12 months after the approval date (providing all requirements of last grant are fulfilled). However, please note that once you have received a grant from The Foundation it is unlikely that you will be a priority for funding in the following year. Please also note scheme closure date above.
We expect all charities applying to The Foyle Foundation, regardless of the type of charity, to have considered their safeguarding responsibilities and to have suitable policies and procedures in place to protect from harm all people who come into contact with the charity (including trustees, volunteers, staff and users/beneficiaries of the organisation).
As per Charity Commission guidance, if your charity works with children or adults at risk you should:
You must follow relevant legislation and guidance (please refer to this government guidance for safeguarding and protecting people for charities and trustees for more information). If you do not have adequate safeguarding policies, we may be unable to fund you.
In order to submit an application on behalf of your charity, you should have permission of a Trustee and the charity’s Management Team.
The Foyle Foundation is committed to protecting all personal information you provide to us. Please also see our Privacy Notice.