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The Foyle Foundation will complete its grant giving programme in 2025, marking 25 years of giving to the fields of the Arts, Learning, Community Small Grants, State Schools Libraries and formerly Health.  Please also note that we can only consider applications for projects (and funding periods) which will be completed before the end of 2025.  For full details, including timings of the application process and cut off dates, please see the relevant guidelines pages of our current grantmaking schemes.

Please note that we are receiving an unprecedented level of applications due to our recent announcement and other factors and competition for funding is intense. 

Please also refer to the Frequently Asked Questions where you can find further detail on the planned completion of the grant giving programme and guidance on eligibility and making an application (including technical questions about your online account/application form).

Creating/Accessing an Account

You need to create an account using your email address as part of the application process.  Once an account is created, you will receive email confirmation of this within a few minutes.  If this is not received, please contact the Grants Team before proceeding.

From your account, you can access in progress applications and previously submitted applications.  Once an application is received, we may publish requirements to your account, to obtain additional information during assessment, or after an application is approved.

Starting a New Application

To start a new application, please use links within scheme guideline pages:

Please note that where we purposely do not have word limits, this is to allow applicants the space to give us the information necessary to explain the project and the need for funding.  We receive applications from many different types of organisations applying for projects that vary widely in size and scale; open limits are there so you can write what is necessary to allow us to understand your organisation and project and your case for support, however, please always summarise information, keeping your answers relevant, clear and succinct.

Where word limits apply, the limits should be seen as a limit, not a target.  We only want you to reach the limit if it is necessary to in order to describe the information adequately.  Please always summarise information, keeping your answers relevant, clear and succinct.

Note that applications you are working on will timeout after 60 minutes.  The timer is reset either when you save or navigate between pages.  Typing alone will not reset the timer.

Some applicants choose to type their answers onto a Microsoft Word document and then copy and paste onto the online form once ready to submit their application.

The Grant Appraisal Team may wish to discuss the application, and request further information in order to appraise the application before it is presented to Trustees.  For larger requests, including capital requests, occasionally there may be a site visit.

The Chief Executive and Grants Team will report to the Trustees at the first available meeting and will notify the applicant of the Trustees’ decision, normally by email.